Mendlesham Computer Club Previous Agendas

These agendas were created at the end of each term, Apologies, but unfortunately some of the links may have become stale and no longer work.

If you would like any of the topics to be repeated, please let us know.

2019 - Summer term

Date Topic and websites for the day
9th May History and genealogy part 2. Click here for more.
16th May Sadly the typing tests web site no longer exists.
23rd May No meeting today - Elections
30th May Books and e-readers.
6th June Keyboard and mouse tips and tricks with Open Office examples Click here for more.
Click here for the Spooktacular booking form.
13th June TV, Radio and streaming. Click here for more.
Click here for the BT trial video,
and here for the 'School in the cloud' TED lecture
20th June Email attachments on PC, phone and tablet. Click here for the test photo
27th June Social media. Click here for more.
4th July What is behind a web page? Click here for a presentation and here for the examples.
11th July Hobbies part 1. Click here for more.
18th July Backups, followed by Hobbies part 2, click here for more.
25th July Fun and games in the garden


Closed due to covid.

2021 - Spring term

Date Topic and websites for the day
25th January

The following topics were covered today:

1st February
  • What we've been doing in lockdown
  • John's scam warning - Beware of TeamViewer and other remote desktop apps
8th February
15th February
22nd February
1st March
  • Photos
    • Taking and sharing photos
    • Simple editing
    • Introduction to GIMP
8th March
  • Photo attachments and saving photos
  • Getting started with GIMP
  • GIMP Tutorial
15th March
22nd March Giles Computer Surgery
29th March More about documents
  • Scanning documents
  • Embedding photos and scans in documents
  • Saving, printing, copying, links

2021 - Summer term

Club re-opened via Zoom

Date Topic and websites for the day
12th April Backups Part 1.  Very Simple Backup calculator
19th April Backups Part 2. The Cloud
26th April Introduction to Spreadsheets
3rd May Bank Holiday, no call this week
<10th May Surgery
17th May Introduction to the PDF
24th May Surgery
31st May Bank Holiday, no call this week
7th June


14th June Surgery
<21st June

More shopping

28th June Surgery
5th July Labels and mail-merge
12th July End of term event in Johns garden

2021 - Autumn term

Date Topic and websites for the day
4th November Welcome back (free session)
  • News from members and the group
  • The accounts
  • Planning topics for this term
  • The Christmas event?
11th November Christmas posting Open Offie Fonts
18th November
25th November
2nd December
9th December
16th December CLOSED

2022 - Spring term

Date Topic and websites for the day
13th January Passwords and Security revisited
20th January Spreadsheets
27th January No meeting this week - sorry
3rd February Spreadsheets
10th February Spreadsheets
17th February

Graphs in spreadsheets


24th February

CANCELLED due to lack of heating

3rd March

Mail merge

10th March Photos
17th March


24th March More on Photos
31st March Scanning and the Windows Photos application
7th April Editing Photos

2022 - Summer term


Date Topic and websites for the day
5th May Special Guest Speaker
12th May Surgery Session
19th May Surgery Session
26th May Closed
2nd June Bank holiday - no session
9th June Emails and Attachments
16th June Email rules and Attachments
23rd June Backups
30th June More on Backups
7th July The Internet and mapping, how it works and some useful sites
14th July Maps on the Internet
21st July July suggestions;
  • Cut, Copy and Paste
  • Broadband providers
  • Which laptop
  • Passwords and viruses
28th July Google Docs - carried over to next term

2022 - Autumn term


Date Topic and websites for the day
1st September New term begins with the Camera on your phone
8th September More on Photos, and phone photo apps
15th September; Internet Shopping. Amazon, PayPal and eBay
22nd September; Selling on eBay, Moonpig and buying using PayPal, Tesco and Kindle.
29th September; TBA
6th October Posters 
13th October Posters
20th October Posters
27th October Half term holiday - no meeting today
3rd November Keyboard shortcuts
10th November Organising your disk and getting images
17th November No meeting today, Neighbourhood Plan Referendum
24th November Skills needed fot the Christmas Card. Page orientation, vertical text, and inserting photos into documents.
1st December More prep for the Christmas card
8th December


15th December Games sesion.

Crosswords and word games

Parlour games

Video Games

There are several free PC video games here


Please remember to bring your forms and payment for the Hippodrome trip

2023 Spring term

2nd January Trip to Yarmouth Hippodrome.
12th January New term begins, The annual Passwords and Security session, with a special section on VPNs
19th January

QR codes


Layers, Physical network, routing and addressing and name resolution

26th January More Networking

Speed test

2nd February Applications on a mobile phone Part 1
9th February Applications on a mobile phone Part 2
16th February Half Term, no meeting today
23rd February

Accessibility (large fonts etc)

TV and video streaming

2nd March

Books and eReaders

File types

9th March


PDF Split and Merge (PDFSAM)

16th March

Photo editing - The Windows Photo App

Stanchion example

Red Eye example

23rd March Advanced Photo editing with Gimp
30th March Last session of term - internet games and shopping.

Crosswords and word games

Parlour games

Video Games

There are several free PC video games here


2023 Summer term

27th April

Web sites, how they work and some useful examples

4th May No meeting this week - Elections
11th May

Email , How it works, Hints and tips, Email etiquette

18th May


25th May

Document Fonts, Styles, Templates and Formatting

OpenOffice Letter Template

1st June

Document Tables, photos, templates and drawing

8th June

No formal topic

15th June

Document orientation, formal letters, templates and drawing

test document

Document page layout, columns

22nd June

Formal letters and templates

29th June

Crosswords and word games

Parlour games

Video Games

There are several free PC video games here


2023 Autumn term

10th August Tables and photos in documents
17th August Document labels
Gingham label image
24th August An in troduction to Spreadsheets cells and formatting
Open Office Sample data Microsoft Excel Sample data
31st August No formal topic
7th September Spreadsheets 1 - cells, formatting and formulae
14th September Spreadsheets 2 - Graphs and an intro to Mailmerge
21st September More Mailmerge
28th September

Quick reminder about Folders

Crosswords and word games

Parlour games

Video Games

There are several free PC video games here


2023 Winter term

2nd November Cancelled due to flooding
9th November Introduction to the smartphone and Apps

Payments with a smartphone

  • Two factor authentication
  • Phone Wallets
16th November

Getting the most out of your phone 2

23rd November


30th November

The Christmas Card 2

7th December The Christmas Card 2
14th December End of Winter term - games

Crosswords and word games

Parlour games

Video Games

There are several free PC video games here


2024 Spring term

7th January Trip to the Hippodrome
11th January Passwords and Security
18th January Networking
25th January

Networking troubleshooting

Organising your disk drive

1st February Folders and Backups
8th February

More on Folders and Backups

15th February No session
22nd February

Customising your PC Accessibility (large fonts, mouse etc.)

29th February

Digital Voice

Music TV and video streaming

7th March More Music TV and video streaming
14th March

The PDF file format

Books and e-readers

21st March

The internet

Useful web sites

28th March End of term - Games and 3D Printing

2024 Summer term

4th April


QR Codes
Free QR code generator

11th April Email, how it works, tips and ettiquette
18th April No session
25th April No session
2 May No session - Elections
9th May Applications and the desktop
16th May Smartphones
23rd May Smartphone applications
30th May Importing and scanning photos
6th June Importing and scanning photos
13th June Getting the best from a mobile phone camera
20th June Simple photo editing

Right click and chose 'Save link as...' to download the photo above to a folder of your choice.

27th June Advanced photo editing with Gimp
4th July No meeting - Elections

2024 Early Autumn term

8th August

Shopping and selling on the internet

Keyboard tips and tricks

15th August

QR codes


22nd August

Buying and selling on the Internet



29th August

Christmas Outing

Has the Kettle sold yet?


OpenOffice Spreadsheet demos
Address Book
Shopping list

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet demos
Address Book
Shopping list

5th September Spreadsheets
12th September Creating a formal letter and a template
19th September

End of term

Mopping up items from this term


2024 Late Autumn term

24th October Documents, fonts, tables and colours
31st October Drawings in documents
7th November Tables and photos in documents
14th November Preparing photos for documents
21st November Closed for the day
28th November Assembling the Christmas cards
5th December Assembling the Christmas cards
12th December

End of term

18th December Christmas outing to Hippodrome